Little hand take the wheel...

As we were all ready to wrap things up and patted ourselves on the back, in walks a mother holding  her 4 day old infant.
If you have been reading my blog you can maybe see a theme here. What do we all need to be on the same side? What do we all need to be part of a larger team? Not on our high horses? If you are in the States, and I know this from personal and professonial expereince, getting a team together to talk from different speciaities is alsmost impossible. Here at Tenweck this has been one of my favorite things. So, what does it take to put us all in the same "vehicle" ? Apparently a 4 day old missing missing both of her radial bones. The room was filled with 5 orthopedist, four therapists, a neurosurgeon, and a peds team. None of us knew what to do at first, none of us spoke the language, but none of us wanted to leave. In the end we sat in this room with the 4 day old, Abigael, with this family for several hours.
So, thank you Abigael for bringing us all together on the last day. Penny fabricated splints for this sweet baby. It appears this little peanut has a genetic diagnosis that has yet to be discovered. Hip dysplasia is also supected. So, I dug through central supply to find the last Pavlik harness on campus. Most items are all donations. Two orthopds worked on fitting it for her. There are no peds orthopedist here so they researched what they needed and stayed until it was right. They did not leave the room, did not pass the buck, did not say come back later. Let's be honest, this happens in the states. We all stay in our lanes becuase it is safe and it feels good.
Well, not here and this is something that has allowed me to stretch but feel anxious on certain days.
So, thank you Abigael for showing up today and taking the wheel, making us all work as one and learn something from you. We are all wishing you thoughts of love and hope as you  and your family begin a journey of discovering your blueprint. Obviously, there are going to be tough days ahead. I know one team that is rooting for you all the way.
I am packed and ready for home. As many of you know I enjoy my afternoon wine from a long day. We are not allowed to partake here so when someone said " TR do you want a samosa for lunch?" I said " No, but I want a mimosa." Ready for home....but so glad I came. I am forever changed.


  1. Safe travels beautiful girl and to your entire time....this blog post shows truly how forever changed you the most amazing ways!


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