On our way.....

Dear families, friends, and most importantly my babies and kiddos I take care of... I am off in a few hours to Kenya with a full heart and full suitcase. This trip has been a year in the making and I could not have gotten here without the help of many people to include: My life support and business partner Jennifer, it is a huge sacrifice for me to leave for this long. In addition Abilitations has provided a great many resources for this trip to happen. Robert Walters, BioTech orthotics, has provided a lot of supplies for the Faith Clinic there. Tom Powell and Rich Brewer, Powell Medical, have donated seat cushions for children in need of pressure relief. Brent Wright, East Point Orthotics, for his assistance and guidance on what is needed for my journey. Thank you to the generous donations from families and friends that I have worked with to make this journey possible. I also thank you for your patience in my absence and my running around like a made woman for the past 6 months to make this happen. Lastly, thank you to my mom, sister, nephews, and brother in law for your love and support.You guys always support my desire to get out of my comfort zone.
Thank you to the Hage family for trusting me and bringing me on board, can't wait to spend this time with you all.
I hear elephants calling me....more later!


  1. We are here in Africa waiting for you!

  2. They are so lucky to have your knowledge and expertise, your extremely generous and loving heart, but more importantly YOU!!! What a blessing you will be to them!! Praying for a safe trip over. Xoxo


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