Emphasis on " World"

March is World Cerebral Palsy Month. I see Abilitations, back in NC, is celebrating World CP Month by wearing green and promoting awareness.
We  decided the kids should join the party in Kenya and wear an official green tshirt from Abilitations to celebrate..Emphasis on " World" never meant more.

One more day left here and time has stood still for me at times, yet quickly moved. Solomon is the primary P.T. here who has truly opened up his heart and mind to these amazing children. And if it wasn't for Solomon meeting Penny Hage there would be no Faith Fund, no special needs clinic. As someone who loves these children and this population I am forever thankful to both of them for including me in this experience. It takes a lot of money, a lot of time, and a great deal of energy for Penny and Bill Hage to raise money for this clinic. The fund pays for clinic visits, wheelchairs, standers, supplies,  diapers, and educaitonal materials. Solomon was telling us this morning a very beautiful thought. And yes I am going to go there but while in Africa...The Circle of Life does truly exist. Solomon was telling us that by helping these children move and have more freedom they can then contribute back to society, which in turn decreases the poverty level. If you have not been to Africa then you are not aware of the poverty level here. Like any place there are the haves and the have nots. Depending on your perspective you may define the have nots as those without " riches". However, here in this special place these children are the riches bc they enrich their parents lives. I happen to know for a fact the same is true back home...Emphasis on "World"........


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