ACC Tournie hits Kenya...

As most of you know the ACC tournament starts today. We are 8 hours ahead of home so we will miss a lot of it. However, Betsy had a strong rooting section today for the Demon Deacons. "Deacon Diana" as she has been so renamed, came to clinic dressed in Demon Deacon colors. She obviously knew they were playing today.
We also sent Diana home with this positioning seat. When we asked mom how she would get the seat home she said (as all Kenyans say) " No problem". She then put Diana on her back, wrapped her in a sarong, then grabbed the large seating chair. Lots of boda bodas here, which are motorcycles. Mom says to us " I will put it on boda boda". So off she went with Diana on her back and the positioning seat tied to the boda boda. Can you say determined mommy?

This lovely little girl, Dorkas, has become a favorite of mine (  I might say that about all of them). Dorkas is no different then my kiddos back home: Will work for bubbles or ball. So that she did. I then asked Dorkas to walk down the hall in a special walker. This clinic is slammed with people lined up in hallways, in wheelchairs, on crutches. In this country the  idea of a child with disabilities has come a long way. So as Dorkas walked down the hall an elderly man in a wheelchair cheered her on. Dorkas smiled, I smiled, mom smiled. Now if I can only get Dorkas to root for the Wolfpack, then she would be for sure be my favorite.


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