Meet my new friends

This handsome little fella was initially shy but then kept giving me this giant smile. We worked as a team to decide on what walker he needs. There are very limited resources for the children and the ones we have at the clinic we need to keep at the clinic. So, after much chatter and much patience on this little man's end...we came up with this...

He needs pelvic support and a sling seat. So, we cut fabric and made him both. He took off walking and was so happy to have his freedom. Exhale...a beautiful moment.

We also had the pleasure of meeting Ryan who would do anything for his mama. Again, not much equipment and Ryan cannot sit or stand by himself. Tenweck PT, Solomon, has worked with "Industrial" here to create a stander. The straps above are used on the stander to give gluteal and trunk support. I suggested the theraband to aide Ryan's head control. This cutie was then able to play with his toys in standing...again, giant smile..and that was on the therapists' faces :)

I am blown away by these amazing parents here. They travel for hours to come to clinic and all want to do anything they can for these amazing children. In one of our meetings today the Kenyan clinicians said the one thing they have seen grown with the special needs clinic is that the parents of special needs children in this community do not feel alone or ashamed of their children any longer. They have support and help now . More importantly they are able to talk to other families.
We say that is the same back home....


  1. Their smiles light up the world.... keep up the good work!

  2. Your touching stories are just so beautiful! Keep up the great work. You look amazing, by the way!
    Love you!


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